All Episodes

Displaying episodes 31 - 60 of 87 in total

Identity Crisis - God helped me rediscover my value — Karen Holford

What does God really think of me? How do I discover the gifts and talents God has given me? 

Jesus and Boundaries - What can we learn from His model? — Lori Futcher

What can we learn from Jesus when setting boundaries in our own lives and relationships? 

Editorial - Discover God’s Will — Aurora Canals

How do I know I am following God’s will, not my feelings and desires? Is it possible to know God’s will for our life? 

God loves me! — Karen Holford

Explore some of the different ways God shows His love for us!

Adjust the straps — Ruth Boyd

"If your yoke feels heavy and uncomfortable, know that Jesus is willing and longing to adjust the straps"

Balancing act — Vicki Griffin

Tips on how to manage stress and taking actions that enable you to maximize your potential without overloading your abilities!

"Get off the couch!" — Lori Peckham

What would happen if we gave up our comfort, our security, our old habits, and invited Him to give us the abundant life He has for us?

Off the trail — Diana Bruch

Discover four tools God provides for our decision making.

Fun Family worship — Evelyn Griffin

Learn some tips on how to make family worship memorable!

"Ouch! That hurt!" –– Rae Lee Cooper

"As prevalent and undesirable as pain is in life on this earth, it can also be a blessing."

One verse –– Jackie Ordelheide Smith

If being an Adventist feels like you’re just acting in a play, read and learn some ideas on how to commit time to God and get back on track on your relationship with Him!

Behind the scenes — Annika Cambigue

Read the behind the scenes experience Annika Cambigue had working for the General Conference.

Families infused with faith — Karen Holford

Learn how 5 simple steps can infuse your life with faith and make God's love real and known through your everyday life!

Personal Experience Required — Hyveth Williams

If a personal experience with Christ is at the very heart of the Christian faith, on whom or what is your faith anchored?

Editorial: Back to the Altar — Aurora Canals

Are you concerned about the effects of today’s digital technology on the minds of God’s children? Learn how we can be sure technology is a blessing for our family inst...

Our Good, Good, Shepherd — Karen Holford

Beautiful and creative 'sheep/shepherd' themed activities for children to enjoy.

Embracing Change - I thought I was ready for retirement . . . — Rae Lee Cooper

Rae Lee Cooper shares her experience of getting involved in a new church and new ministry after retirement, as well as the lessons she learned on this journey.

Never Mind - We might not want to talk about pornography, but it’s all around us — Maya Mackey Dean

Three major facts every pastoral spouse should know about pornography. Practical ways to help someone battling with pornography.

His Face in the Stars - Why seeing our Savior will make all the difference — Carol Bovee

A beautiful moment shared between a mother and daughter.

Hands - “Whatever you do, do well. For when you go to the grave, there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom” — Teri Pollard

A hospice nurse shares inspiring and touching stories of patients, and the work their hands represent.

Tips to Thrive - We Have a Call — Evelyn Griffin

How God navigated the practicalities of moving to another country for ministry.

Sharing the Love - How to navigate life when two become three . . . — Karen Holford

Becoming parents can put a strain on a marriage. Here are some tips on our to navigate life and maintain a happy home when a family expands.

Praise God in Loss??? My husband lay at the bottom of the pool, and I thought I’d entered a nightmare — Janet Page

Janet Page shares her testimony about miracles, blessings, and God's goodness experienced through losing her husband unexpectedly and tragically.

“I’m Reading Your Lips” - Suddenly Kallie realized she could hardly hear the talking around her

Kallie Fickes's story: how she was diagnosed with neurofibromatosis type 2, how it's impacted her and her family's lives, and how they have given the situation into th...

Editorial: Meet Aurora!

An interview with Aurora Canals, the associate secretary of the General Conference Ministerial Association, director of Pastoral Spouses and Families, and editor of Th...

Let’s Mingle! — Karen Holford

A hospice nurse shares inspiring and touching stories of patients, and the work their hands represent.

Balancing Act - Most of us take balance for granted, until it becomes a problem — Rae Lee Cooper

How does balance work? What causes issues with balance? What steps can be taken to improve balance?

Tips to Thrive - Multiplication Miracle — Evelyn Griffin

A testimony of God performing a miracle by multiplying food to provide for a bereavement meal.

Back Again - What to do when your past affects your present — Jasmin Stankovic

What are the consequences of ignoring past pain and trauma? How can we overcome a troubled past and step into a bright future?

Lost Cause? He prayed for his son at every house we visited — Carol Toay

An inspiring story of how a man never lost hope for his son who seemed to be a lost cause.

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